Where the World of Celebrity and Playful Puns Collide

I saw an image of Jim Morrison in a gym the other day, and the image was called 'Gym Morrison.' That inspired me to do this. Some of the Midjourney prompts are below the images.

Note: All of these images are AI-Generated with Midjourney. The text was added in Photoshop.

Some of the Midjourney prompts:

  • a photo of Halle Berry picking berries

  • a photo of Chris Pine next to a pine tree

  • a photo of Adele delivering a package

  • a photo of Denzel Washington washing a ton of clothes

  • a photo of Elton John jogging

  • a photo of Justin Timberlake with a clock near a lake

Copy these prompts and make them your own! Try changing words, removing sentences, and adding your own ideas. What kind of unique creations can you come up with?


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