245 Free Fire, Flames, Sparks, and Embers on a Black Background Stock Photos

These stock photos (photographed with a camera) are great for incorporating fire elements into your work in Photoshop, or for any other purposes you find them useful.

Below are some previews. If you're interested in downloading all 245 stock photos in high-resolution, you will find a download button and additional information provided below the preview gallery. Click on a preview photo to view it in lightbox/gallery view.

Some of the elements in use:

All elements in this image are photographs merged together in Photoshop.

Download Information

245 Free Fire, Flames, Sparks, and Embers on a Black Background Stock Photos

File Size (one ZIP file): 694 MB
Color Profile: Adobe RGB (1998), 300 DPI
Dimensions: Various. Mostly 5000 px and higher on the longest side.

You are free to use the stock photos however you wish after downloading. Enjoy!

To start downloading the high-resolution images, click the download button. The file is securely hosted on my Dropbox account and is protected with 256-bit AES encryption, ensuring a safe download process without the need for a Dropbox account. Simply click the download button, and the file will begin to download.

For any questions, contact support@glennmeling.com


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