150 Free Surface Imperfection Textures

All of the textures are photographs that have been transformed into Surface Imperfection Textures using Photoshop.

Here are some previews, and if you would like to download 150 high-resolution textures for free, you can do so below the previews. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Download Information

150 high-resolution Surface Imperfection Textures

File size (one Zip file): 858MB
Color profile: Adobe RGB (1998), 300 DPI
Dimensions: Mostly with the dimensions 7952 x 5304 px.

You are free to do whatever you want with the textures after downloading this product. It's all good!

Click the download button to start downloading the high-resolution images and the prompts. The file, securely hosted on my Dropbox account, is protected with 256-bit AES encryption to ensure safe downloading without the need for a Dropbox account.

Any questions? support@glennmeling.com


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