Spitfires Amidst Fire and Smoke!

All the prompts gave pretty much the same result.

The prompts:

  • A cinematic, high-stakes scene in the sky, featuring Spitfire planes engaged in a fierce dogfight. Tracers streak across the sky, and an explosion marks the demise of a plane, seen through the windows of an another plane --ar 7:5 --style raw --q 5

  • A low-angle shot of Spitfire planes soaring overhead, their silhouettes stark against the fiery explosions in the sky --ar 7:5 --style raw --q 5

  • A cinematic image of Spitfire planes flying low, skimming the treetops as they engage in a fierce dogfight. Explosions light up the sky and one plane is seen spiraling towards the ground, smoke trailing behind it --ar 7:5 --style raw --q 5

  • A thrilling, cinematic image of Spitfire planes engaged in a high-speed chase in the sky, bullets whizzing past, and a plane crashing in a fiery explosion --ar 7:5 --style raw --q 5

  • A cinematic, high-stakes scene in the sky, featuring Spitfire planes engaged in a fierce dogfight. Tracers streak across the sky, and an explosion::2 marks the demise of a plane --ar 7:5 --style raw --q 5

Feel free to copy these prompts and make them your own! Try changing words, removing sentences, and adding your own ideas. What kind of unique creations can you come up with? Let's get creative with AI!


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