MFK Crows in Black and Yellow

Last night, while watching the Premier League, I was inspired to use the Midjourney Niji 6 model. I got this idea to focus on Moss Fotballklubb (MFK), the soccer team from my hometown Moss in Norway, known for their black and yellow colors and crow mascot. My initial attempt was a crow holding a sign that says “MFK”, but the results weren't quite right, probably due to the prompt structure. However, the outcome motivated me to continue this path.

I refer to these outcomes as "happy accidents," and they're a big part of my enjoyment in image-prompting with Midjourney. These surprises constantly lead to a flood of new ideas, almost overwhelming. It's like having a team of very creative people around you constantly offering sketches and concepts related to your idea at an unreal pace.

Timing tasks with AI is fascinating, especially when comparing it to traditional methods from the old days — way back in 2023 and earlier. It took me around 2 1/2 hours to come up with ideas and prompts in Midjourney, resulting in 172 images.

What is Midjourney Niji 6?

Niji 6 is one of several AI models in Midjourney, designed for creating anime and illustrative-style images. It is finely tuned to produce vibrant, anime-themed visuals with ease, making it an ideal tool for artists and enthusiasts who wants to try out different art styles through AI.

Midjourney V6 Prompt: Hundreds of black crows gather on a small local football pitch, their feathers a stark contrast against the yellow goalposts. The leading crow, perched on the center line, holds a sign with "MFK" boldly written in yellow, rallying the birds as if strategizing for a game. --ar 16:9 --niji 6

Midjourney V6 Prompt: As the sun sets, casting a golden hue over a local football stadium, hundreds of crows settle on the pitch. The lead crow, with an "MFK" sign, stands at the forefront, the scene bathed in a mix of shadowy black and warm yellow tones. --ar 16:9 --niji 6

Midjourney V6 Prompt: In the aftermath of an imagined victory, crows flock to a football stadium. The leader, holding a yellow "MFK" sign, seems to cheer at the center of the pitch, surrounded by a sea of black feathers, creating a scene of jubilant chaos in black and yellow. --ar 16:9 --niji 6

Midjourney V6 Prompt: As dusk falls over a small football stadium, crows gather en masse on the field. The leader, prominently displaying a yellow "MFK" sign, stands sentinel-like, the scene a mysterious tableau in monochrome black and yellow. --ar 16:9 --niji 6

Midjourney V6 Prompt: On the lush green of a local football pitch, hundreds of crows convene for a tactical session. The leader, with a yellow "MFK" sign, appears to give instructions, the stark contrast of black crows against the yellow markers creating an intriguing spectacle. --ar 16:9 --niji 6

Midjourney V6 Prompt: Under the twilight sky, a flock of crows invades a local football stadium. The leading crow, brandishing a yellow "MFK" sign, perches on the goalpost, overseeing the pitch turned into a sea of black under the fading light. --ar 16:9 --niji 6

Midjourney V6 Prompt: As the sun sets, casting a golden hue over a local football stadium, hundreds of crows settle on the pitch. The lead crow, with an "MFK" sign, stands at the forefront, the scene bathed in a mix of shadowy black and warm yellow tones. --ar 16:9 --niji 6

Midjourney V6 Prompt: At dawn in a small football stadium, a group of black crows circles around a lone soccer ball at the center of the pitch. The leader, holding a bright yellow "MFK" sign, stands prominently, as if guarding the ball, creating a striking contrast of black feathers against the green field and yellow ball. --ar 16:9 --niji 6

Midjourney V6 Prompt: A row of crows lines up for a penalty shootout against a solitary goalkeeper crow. The leading crow, holding the "MFK" sign, watches intently as each crow takes its turn striking the yellow soccer ball towards the goal. --ar 16:9 --niji 6

Midjourney V6 Prompt: As night falls, a group of crows guards a soccer ball in the center of an empty football stadium. The leader, perched with the "MFK" sign, seems to be on vigilant watch, the scene a stark display of black and yellow under the stadium lights. --ar 16:9 --niji 6

Midjourney V6 Prompt: In the aftermath of an imagined victory, crows flock to a football stadium. The leader, holding a yellow "MFK" sign, seems to cheer at the center of the pitch, surrounded by a sea of black feathers, creating a scene of jubilant chaos in black and yellow. --ar 16:9 --niji 6

Midjourney V6 Prompt: In the aftermath of an imagined victory, a football stadium becomes the scene of a unique celebration. In the center of a sea of black crows, a soccer player stands out, dressed in a vibrant yellow soccer shirt emblazoned with "MFK." He is jubilantly celebrating, arms raised high in the air. His shorts are a contrasting black, while his socks match the bright yellow of his shirt. The crows encircle him, their black feathers creating a backdrop of jubilant chaos against the striking black and yellow theme. --ar 16:9 --niji 6


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