Inspired by QR Codes!

The Midjourney prompts:

  • a massive square qr code with dept, seen from above and straight down

  • a huge square QR code made from rows of cars in a parking lot, viewed from straight above

  • A large square QR code made of various types of sports fields and courts, seen from directly above, with a bold, graphic art style

  • A massive square QR code created by different types of aircraft on a runway, viewed from straight above, with a modern, industrial aesthetic

  • From directly above, the ocean reveals a giant square QR code made of sunken shipwrecks on the sea floor

Feel free to copy these prompts and make them your own! Try changing words, removing sentences, and adding your own ideas. What kind of unique creations can you come up with? Let's get creative with AI!


Norway's Ancient Mountain Protectors!


The Santa Monica Marijuana Festival of 1975!