Great White Sharks In Alpine Meadows - Midjourney

While I was trying out Midjourney V6, I created some weird AI-generated shark art, a long-standing idea I never executed in Photoshop. Midjourney made it quick and easy, producing tons of images rapidly. Such strange, exciting times!

Below are some of these AI-generated images, the prompts I used, and insights on prompt structuring. Whether this is the best way to structure prompts in V6, I'm not entirely sure yet. But as long as I'm happy with the results, that's what counts.

Feel free to ask questions, use these prompts for your own projects, or whatever you like. It’s all good.


Midjourney V6 Prompt: In a scenic alpine meadow, a shark appears, completely composed of mountain flora and scattered flowers. Every feature, including eyes and mouth, is unmistakably crafted from petals and leaves --ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6

  • Midjourney V6 Prompt:

    • In a scenic alpine meadow, a shark appears, completely composed of mountain flora and scattered flowers. Every feature, including eyes and mouth, is unmistakably crafted from petals and leaves --ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6

    Setting the Scene:

    • Phrase: "In a scenic alpine meadow"

    • Purpose: Establishes the location and mood of the image.

    • Explanation: This part of the prompt sets the scene for the AI, choosing a picturesque, high mountain field as the backdrop. The word 'scenic' suggests beauty and a visually pleasing landscape, indicating the AI should focus on creating a serene and aesthetically appealing setting.

    Describing the Subject:

    • Phrase: "a shark appears, completely composed of mountain flora and scattered flowers"

    • Purpose: Outlines the main focus and composition of the image.

    • Explanation: In this section, the prompt introduces the main subject, a shark. However, it's not just any shark; it's one uniquely made from mountain plants and flowers. This instruction directs the AI to creatively merge the image of a shark with natural elements from the meadow, blending wildlife with flora.

    Detailing the Subject:

    • Phrase: "Every feature, including eyes and mouth, is unmistakably crafted from petals and leaves"

    • Purpose: Adds specificity and detail to the subject's composition.

    • Explanation: This further clarifies how the shark should be depicted, emphasizing that all its features, especially the eyes and mouth, need to be clearly and discernibly made out of petals and leaves. It stresses the importance of detail in the AI's creation, ensuring that the floral aspect of the shark is evident.

    Technical Parameters:

    • Parameters: "--ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6"

    • Purpose: Defines the technical aspects of image generation.

    • Explanation: These components provide technical guidance for the AI. '--ar 16:9' sets the aspect ratio to widescreen, suitable for capturing the expansive meadow scene. '--style raw' indicates a preference for a more natural, unprocessed image style. Finally, '--v 6' specifies the use of the latest version of Midjourney, ensuring the image benefits from the most advanced features available.

Midjourney V6 Prompt: In an enchanting alpine meadow, a great white shark materializes and dissolves, intricately shaped from alpine blooms and mountain herbs. Its form, a blend of delicate foliage and highland flora, harmonizes with the stunning alpine landscape. --ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6

  • Midjourney V6 Prompt:

    • In an enchanting alpine meadow, a great white shark materializes and dissolves, intricately shaped from alpine blooms and mountain herbs. Its form, a blend of delicate foliage and highland flora, harmonizes with the stunning alpine landscape. --ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6

    Setting the Scene:

    • Phrase: "In an enchanting alpine meadow"

    • Purpose: Sets a magical and serene backdrop for the image.

    • Explanation: The word 'enchanting' immediately conjures a sense of wonder and beauty, suggesting a meadow that's not just visually stunning but also has a fairytale-like quality. This part of the prompt establishes a captivating natural setting for the AI to visualize.

    Describing the Subject:

    • Phrase: "a great white shark materializes and dissolves"

    • Purpose: Introduces a dynamic and intriguing main subject.

    • Explanation: The choice of a great white shark as the main subject adds a sense of awe and surprise, especially in the context of an alpine meadow. The words 'materializes and dissolves' suggest a transient, almost mystical appearance of the shark, giving the AI a hint to create an image where the shark is both present and ethereal.

    Detailing the Subject:

    • Phrase: "intricately shaped from alpine blooms and mountain herbs"

    • Purpose: Specifies the composition and texture of the subject.

    • Explanation: This line instructs the AI to construct the shark from the delicate textures of alpine flowers and herbs. It emphasizes the intricacy and harmony of the shark's form with its natural surroundings.

    Harmonizing with the Environment:

    • Phrase: "Its form, a blend of delicate foliage and highland flora, harmonizes with the stunning alpine landscape"

    • Purpose: Integrates the subject seamlessly into the setting.

    • Explanation: Here, the prompt further refines the visual integration of the shark with the meadow. It underlines the importance of a seamless blend where the shark is both a distinct entity and a part of the meadow, enhancing the enchanting quality of the scene.

    Technical Parameters:

    • Parameters: "--ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6"

    • Purpose: Defines the format and style of the image.

    • Explanation: '--ar 16:9' sets a widescreen aspect ratio, suitable for capturing the expansive meadow scene. '--style raw' suggests a preference for a more natural, authentic visual style. Lastly, '--v 6' ensures that the image is generated using the advanced features of Midjourney Version 6.

Midjourney V6 Prompt: In an enchanting alpine meadow, a great white shark-like form materializes and dissolves, intricately shaped from alpine blooms and mountain herbs. Its figure, a blend of delicate foliage and highland flora, harmonizes with the stunning alpine landscape. --ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6

  • Midjourney V6 Prompt:

    In an enchanting alpine meadow, a great white shark-like form materializes and dissolves, intricately shaped from alpine blooms and mountain herbs. Its figure, a blend of delicate foliage and highland flora, harmonizes with the stunning alpine landscape. --ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6

    Setting the Scene:

    • Phrase: "In an enchanting alpine meadow"

    • Purpose: To establish a magical and serene location for the image.

    • Explanation: The word 'enchanting' adds a layer of magic and allure to the alpine meadow setting. This creates a picturesque and almost mystical backdrop for the AI to visualize and sets the tone for the image.

    Describing the Subject:

    • Phrase: "a great white shark-like form materializes and dissolves"

    • Purpose: To introduce a dynamic, intriguing main subject with an ethereal quality.

    • Explanation: The use of 'shark-like form' rather than just 'shark' allows for more artistic interpretation. The words 'materializes and dissolves' suggest a ghostly, ephemeral presence, giving the AI guidance to create a subject that is both there and not there, enhancing the mystical feel.

    Detailing the Subject:

    • Phrase: "intricately shaped from alpine blooms and mountain herbs"

    • Purpose: To specify the composition and detail of the subject.

    • Explanation: This phrase tells the AI that the shark-like form is not just any shape but one intricately composed of local alpine flowers and herbs. It emphasizes the detail and natural beauty in the construction of this main subject.

    Harmonizing with the Environment:

    • Phrase: "Its figure, a blend of delicate foliage and highland flora, harmonizes with the stunning alpine landscape"

    • Purpose: To ensure the subject blends seamlessly with the setting.

    • Explanation: This part of the prompt emphasizes the integration of the subject with its environment. It suggests that the figure of the shark-like form is made in such a way that it is part of the meadow, further enhancing the enchanting quality of the scene.

    Technical Parameters:

    • Parameters: "--ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6"

    • Purpose: To define the image's format, style, and version.

    • Explanation: The aspect ratio '--ar 16:9' is perfect for capturing the wide scope of the meadow. The style '--raw' indicates a preference for a natural, unfiltered appearance. Lastly, specifying '--v 6' ensures the use of Midjourney's latest version, with its advanced image generation capabilities.

Midjourney V6 Prompt: A floral representation of a great white shark materializes in an alpine meadow, with every part of it, eyes and mouth included, formed from alpine vegetation. The shark's floral body is in perfect harmony with the stunning mountainous landscape --ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6

  • Midjourney V6 Prompt:

    • A floral representation of a great white shark materializes in an alpine meadow, with every part of it, eyes and mouth included, formed from alpine vegetation. The shark's floral body is in perfect harmony with the stunning mountainous landscape --ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6

    Subject Idea:

    • Phrase: "A floral representation of a great white shark materializes in an alpine meadow"

    • Purpose: Introduces the main idea of the image.

    • Explanation: This tells the AI to create an image of a shark made out of flowers. It's set in a high mountain field, which is an unusual place for a shark, making the image interesting.

    Focus on Details:

    • Phrase: "with every part of it, eyes and mouth included, formed from alpine vegetation"

    • Purpose: To give specific instructions about how the shark should look.

    • Explanation: Here, we're asking the AI to pay attention to the small parts of the shark, like its eyes and mouth, and make sure these are also made from mountain plants.

    Blending the Subject with the Setting:

    • Phrase: "The shark's floral body is in perfect harmony with the stunning mountainous landscape"

    • Purpose: To make sure the shark fits well in the mountain setting.

    • Explanation: This part is about having the flower shark blend in with the mountains around it. It should look like it belongs there.

    Technical Aspects:

    • Parameters: "--ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6"

    • Purpose: To set up how the image should be made.

    • Explanation: '--ar 16:9' means the picture will be wide, like a movie screen. '--style raw' means the image should look natural. '--v 6' tells the AI to use the newest version of Midjourney.

Midjourney V6 Prompt: In a scenic alpine meadow, visualize a great white shark where even its eyes and teeth are artistically formed from alpine flowers, creating a uniform floral motif across its entire body --ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6

  • Midjourney V6 Prompt:

    • Midjourney V6 Prompt: In a scenic alpine meadow, visualize a great white shark where even its eyes and teeth are artistically formed from alpine flowers, creating a uniform floral motif across its entire body --ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6

    Setting the Scene:

    • Phrase: "In a scenic alpine meadow"

    • Purpose: Establishes the environment for the image.

    • Explanation: This sets the location as a high mountain field. The word 'scenic' suggests that this meadow is visually appealing and a suitable backdrop for the main subject.

    Visualizing the Subject:

    • Phrase: "visualize a great white shark where even its eyes and teeth are artistically formed from alpine flowers"

    • Purpose: Details the main subject and its unique composition.

    • Explanation: The AI is directed to create an image of a great white shark. The unique aspect here is that the shark, including specific features like eyes and teeth, should be made up of alpine flowers. This adds a creative twist, blending the shark with the floral environment.

    Creating a Uniform Design:

    • Phrase: "creating a uniform floral motif across its entire body"

    • Purpose: To ensure consistency in the subject’s design.

    • Explanation: This part emphasizes that the floral design should be consistent across the shark's entire body. It guides the AI to maintain a coherent floral pattern, ensuring the shark is uniformly blended with the alpine flower theme.

    Technical Parameters:

    • Parameters: "--ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6"

    • Purpose: Defines the technical specifications of the image.

    • Explanation: '--ar 16:9' selects a widescreen format, which is great for landscapes. '--style raw' asks for a natural, unedited look. '--v 6' indicates that the image should be generated using the latest version of Midjourney, utilizing its advanced features.


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AI Related Terms Glossary 1.0