Discover 20 Ethereal Cities of Shrooms!

Some of the prompts:

  • an intricate scene of a village with mushrooms and ferns, in the style of ethereal sculptures, highly detailed illustrations, green and orange, paper sculptures, dreamlike architecture, light orange and light gray, rococo interiors, carving --ar 16:9

  • an intricate scene of a village with mushrooms and ferns, in the style of ethereal sculptures, highly detailed illustrations, paper sculptures, dreamlike architecture, black, rococo interiors, carving --ar 16:9

  • an intricate scene of a village with mushrooms and ferns, in the style of ethereal sculptures, highly detailed illustrations, paper sculptures, dreamlike architecture, strong rainbow colors, rococo interiors, carving --ar 16:9

Feel free to copy these prompts and make them your own! Try changing words, removing sentences, and adding your own ideas. What kind of unique creations can you come up with? Let's get creative with AI!


Abandoned Shark Machines!


Global Warming: Charting Climate Shifts!